Monday, May 6, 2013

Delilah's Puppies

If you read Delilah's rescue story, you know that she is a mama. She had recently given birth to a litter of puppies and encountered the rattlesnake a few weeks after her pups were born. Somehow a rescue group in Thermal found out about a sickly mama dog that had been bitten by a rattlesnake and her litter of puppies living on a grapefruit orchard. This rescue group contacted another rescue group for help because at the time they did not have the funds necessary to rescue a dog in need of that kind of medical care, let alone a litter of puppies. 

A rescue group from Palm Desert made the journey to Thermal and traveled several dirt roads to the location of Delilah's puppies. She had been stashing them in a pile of drainage pipes to shield and protect them from the heat. 

Sadly, this rescue group retrieved Delilah's puppies and despite the fact that they were well informed about Delilah's existence and more than likely saw her and her condition that day, they left her behind wounded and sick to fend for herself. They collected her four adorable puppies and left her grieving their loss, limping, and suffering in pain. Our opinion is that this just shouldn't have happened. 

Thankfully, the rescue group in Thermal found out that Delilah had been left behind and contacted Cathy of Bff4Pets. Cathy rushed to Thermal as quickly as she could and rescued sweet Delilah and the rest of the story has already been told here in previous posts. 

But this weekend the rescue group that took Delilah's puppies held an adoption event nearby and we attended. We immediately searched the room for puppies and after a few short minutes we spotted them. 

By the time we had arrived only three of her puppies remained and two of them were in the process of being adopted. We did not reveal ourselves to be the fosters of Delilah. We instead expressed interest in the last unclaimed puppy and were even able to hold him. 

One of Delilah's pups who clearly takes after his daddy.

We couldn't help but question the representative from the rescue. We were hoping they would tell their side of the story and we would come to find out that they weren't able to rescue Delilah that day because of circumstances beyond their control. We hoped to hear an explanation. Maybe they would explain that they had made plans to return and rescue the mother but they found out she was already rescued. We were so disappointed and disheartened when the representative lied right to our faces. 

"What do the parents of these puppies look like?" we asked. 
-Oh the mother we know for sure looks just like this puppy and she is around 30 pounds. But we aren't sure about what the father looks like. 

This is the puppy that was described as
"looking just like the mother".

"Is the mother here for adoption as well?" we asked.

-No. As far as I know the foster is going to keep the mother. 

"Oh how nice. Did the same foster have the mother and all of her pups?" we asked.
-Yes. They have all been fostered together. The puppies have had a pretty normal up 

We left without confrontation. At this point the puppies were being adopted and Delilah was safe at our home. But I hate to think of what would have happened to her if it were not for that rescue in Thermal and Cathy of Bff4Pets. 

After seeing her litter of puppies we went home and reviewed the video that Cathy had sent us from the rescue. There were several other healthy dogs roaming the property that day. We paused the video and looked at them in search of the father of the puppies. We were able to find who we believe is a prime suspect. :) 

This is a still from the video of Delilah's rescue.
He is more than likely the father of her pups. 

Delilah and two pictures I snapped of her look-a-like
pup at the adoption event.

Another one of her pups at the adoption event.

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